It's 4am on Monday morning and I'm still awake! Sooo yesterday I woke up and sat up and noticed a tingling sensation in my left arm and my neck was killing me. I actually told Curtis, I think I'm having a heart attack (okay I know I'm totally dramatic) and he just laughed at me. I told him something's wrong because I can't move my neck without it hurting. I tried going back to sleep and I woke up feeling way worse. It was time to go to the urgent care clinic. The whole time, Curtis thought I was being totally dramatic and I felt bad for him because he has been battling a cold.
Well, I wasn't too dramatic because the doctor said I pinched a nerve in my neck and he gave me some steroids and sent me on my way. Thank goodness I didn't wait because while it's still painful, it's a little bit better because of the meds (but I can't sleep because of them, go figure). Hot showers and heat compresses are helping too…which leads me to this salad, I'm so glad I photographed it on Friday, I'm not sure I could have tried to photograph it yesterday or today. Haha. Most embarrassing thing or dumb thing about this whole situation? I just moved or just got of bed and this started? The doctor and the nurses asked if I was injured or in a car accident…nope, I did nothing and I pinched a nerve. So Embarrassing.
Grilled salad – is it actually good? I love it. The lettuce is a little wilty but who cares, it tastes so good! I first tried grilled salad at my old company I used to work for. We used to do these Monday lunches, everyone was split into teams and the teams took turns cooking lunches for the rest of the group. It was really fun…I tried a lot of fun food and recipes from my co-workers back then. This was all before I had a food blog. I learned all about grilled salad from my old co-worker, Mike, his group made this a couple of times and it was so easy. They served it with grilled chicken even!
I recently received a Blendtec blender from the amazing folks at Blendtec and I was so excited. I have been making milkshakes, smoothies, drinks and this Caesar salad. It's so easy to use and clean up is so easy.
When I opened the box, Curtis actually made fun of how it looked and I just made a face at him. Who cares how it looks, if it works, it's all good. This is definitely my appliance and it has earned a place on my crowded kitchen counter. There are only three appliances that get to sit out on my counterspace at all times (because it's a little kitchen!) and this is one of them.
I love this blender and I highly recommend it. I love love how clean up is so easy, just add soap and water to the blender and blend.
I made the caesar dressing that's in Blendtec's cookbook that I received and it says it tastes even better the next day after sitting in the fridge overnight. I thought the dressing was tasty either way.
I grilled my salad on my favorite grill pan – to show you that you can do this inside even in the winter!
Here's the salad right after I grilled it and right before it got a hit of dressing and parmesan cheese!
Is it okay to admit that I ate the entire salad all by myself? This is my new favorite caesar dressing and grilling salad even inside is so easy – this is going to become my go to quick lunch or the perfect side salad for a weeknight dinner even!
And PS look out for a giveaway, I'm giving one of these Blendtecs away!
Grilled Caesar Salad Recipe
Caesar Dressing
- 1 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup water
- 2 Tablespoons white wine vinegar
- 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
- 1 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 large egg yolk
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled
- 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
- 1 heart of romaine lettuce, rinsed and cut in half lengthwise
- salt & pepper
- olive oil, optional
- Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
Caesar Dressing
- Add ingredients to Blendtec jar in order listed and secure lid. Select "Dressing" and serve. The dressing tastes best when you refrigerate it overnight in a sealed container - the ingredients are allowed to marry together.
How to Grill Salad
- If using a gas grill, turn on the gas and turn the heat to high. Let the grill heat up for at least 10 minutes. If using a grill pan inside, heat grill pan on medium to medium high for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Salt and pepper the insides of your romaine lettuce halves. Sprinkle olive oil on the halves, if you wish. Add to hot grill or grill pan and cook for about 1 to 3 minutes tops. Flip to grill the other side for 1 to 2 minutes and you're done. Serve immediately with caesar dressing and parmesan cheese on top.
- *Store the dressing in the refrigerator for about a week. If serving as a side salad, one whole heart can serve up to 4 or 5 people. For an entire meal, it serves 1 to 2 people and try grilling some chicken (or use leftovers from my chicken slow cooker recipe) to serve with it too!
- *If you're worried about the raw egg, be sure to use pasteurized eggs.
Disclosure: I received a Blendtec blender for the purpose of review. All opinions are always my own and I did include at least one affiliate link in this post.
Tracy says
Hey has anyone grilled the romaine and made this for next day (dressing on side) and turn out ok? I’m kinda wantin to make some for co workers to bring for lunch the next day聽
Casey Charbonneau says
Fantastic recipe! My family tried it out and we all love it! We’ll definitely be making this one again.
Janne Thiebaud says
This is a really nice dressing, although next time I will sub a quarter of the oil for a whole egg mayo. I thought the topping was a bit lean, so added some crumbled garlic croutons and fresh cooked crispy bacon chopped as well. It was delicious, and more like a traditional caesar salad.
I am sorry you had such a hard time with your neck. You were right to go to the ER, as that IS a major symptom of an impending heart attack. The pinched nerve was bad enough. I was just brushing my hair one morning when the same happened to me. Excruciating pain and unable to use it. I was subsequently not able to use it for 4 months, carrying a useless arm around at shoulder height, and pain killers barely worked. I had been scheduled for surgery, but had to wait on the public system. This ended up being a good thing, as after 4 months, the pain went, and my mobility came back, just as quickly as it started. You have NO reason to feel embarrassed. Tell Curtis to get a grip, and stop laughing at you, you were right to do what you did, and that pain is no laughing matter, I KNOW! Men are shocking patients, but really he was so terribly insensitive. He wants to hope that one day you don’t die, while he is laughing at you, for being very scared of unusual pain, and dangerous symptoms. But of course we all know that a “cold” is far worse than anything, right?? (sarcasm intended lol)
Anyway, thanks for this lovely recipe. 馃槈
Michele says
Your pinched nerve is probably from too much computer use! I had the same thing – went for acupuncture which helped but I neede to ease up on my blogging. Good luck!
April says
Just made this on charcoal (mesquite) grill. Turned out awesome!
Lorne Marr says
Very creative and inspiring recipe, grilled lettuce is completely new to me. Yesterday was the first time I’ve heard about roasted lettuce, so I made it for dinner and it was delicious. Guess this kind of salads will be my favorite, the taste is fabulous and unique. Would recommend it to every salad hater!
Katie says
I hope your neck is all better by now! I’ve never thought of grilling a salad before!
Jennifer H says
HilLesha says
Sheri says
That looks so good! I never would have thought of that.
Lori says
We tried grilling romaine for the first time last summer and I absolutely love it. Yours looks gorgeous! I definitely need to try this version.
Terry Christopherson says
Posted a blog and linked to your site, great dressing. Thanks
Bobbie says
This looks amazing and your photographs are beautiful!
Jenn @therebelchick says
I can’t have cheese or oils right now, but man this looks SO good! My daughter loves Cesar salad too, I will have to make this for her soon!
Loretta | A Finn In The Kitchen says
I’ve never tried a grilled salad before, but this looks amazing enough to change that…
I love my blendtec too. That sucker has it’s own place on my counter top even though there’s barely enough room…
Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious says
So sorry to hear about your pinched nerve! Glad that you’re doing better with meds though.
Oh and this salad is amazing. I love how unique it is, and it’s wrapped-up goodness.
Dawn Shelton says
DEFINITELY am making this!
amy @ fearless homemaker says
Ooh, hope you’re feeling better! A pinched nerve is nooooo fun. But you know what is fun? This awesome grilled caesar. YUM!
Kathryn says
Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! Pinched nerves are so painful.
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
I have never had grilled salad before. Grilled chicken yes, grilled lettuce no. I’m going to have to try this out but yours looks delicious!
Gerry @ Foodness Gracious says
Grilled lettuce is uniquely awesome as is grilled avocados and grilled oranges! I hope your neck gets better 馃檪
Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen says
Oh I hope you feel better soon, pinched nerves are not fun.
Paula says
Happy New Year Julie 馃檪 I’m sorry that you are starting it off with a painful pinched nerve in your neck and even worse that that pain meds are keeping you awake 馃檨
I love Caesar Salads but never had one grilled before. Your dressing does look good. Maybe this is the year I try grilled salads 馃檪
Take care and I hope you have a wonderful 2013. Feel better real soon.
addie | culicurious says
I love grilled romaine! A restaurant near our house does a wonderful grilled romaine salad. Thanks for sharing 馃檪
Kathleen Richardson says
I’m a big fan of Caesar salad and dressing ’cause I used to work in a cafe that made it. We didn’t add egg to the dressing. Your idea of grilling the lettuce is so appealing. Wonder if it would work on my George Foreman–bet so. Hope you feel much, much better — soon.
Samantha says
I think I’ll be making this tonight ! Thanks Julie!
Meghan @JaMonkey says
This looks great. I’ve never grilled romain before!
Alison @ Ingredients, Inc. says
great looking! I love grilled Romaine
Carolyn says
That pinched nerve sounds just awful, Julie. Hang tight and get better. I do love the look of this salad.
sally @ sallys baking addiction says
I love grilled caesar salads! You poor thing – I can’t imagine how painful that must be. I’m quivering at the thought. I hope you’re able to get at least some rest. I feel so bad for you! get better. xo!
Sarah W. Caron (Sarah's Cucina Bella) says
Eek! Feel better soon. And the sleeplessness? Been there. This salad looks incredible!
Erin @ Texanerin Baking says
Pinched nerves are the worst! I once started to bend over to reach for something and… yeah. AWFUL. I even needed help to get up and down. It was pathetic. So I hope you recover really quickly and never have a pinched nerve again!
And nice salad! I’m not a fan of veggies but I know my husband would appreciate this. 馃檪
Elizabeth says
Awesome recipe. Never knew you could grill salad until this either. Thanks very much
Stephanie @ Eat. Drink. Love. says
Hope you are feeling better! I am really loving this grilled salad! Really want it for lunch right now!
Terri C says
Hope your neck is better soon, I know pinched nerves are not fun. That salad looks wonderful!
Brian @ A Thought For Food says
Oh dear lord… I’m in love. I had my first experience with grilled salad out in Oregon and I turned into complete mush after my first bite. Love it!
[email protected] says
I LOVE grilled caesar salads! And how wonderful that you can make it all year long with a grill pan! Thanks for sharing!
Joanne @ Fifteen Spatulas says
I know how painful a pinched nerve is! Just be careful with it, otherwise you’ll wind up having to get injections which really suck. I’m trying the Blendtec in a few weeks, and I’m so excited!
Rachel @ Baked by Rachel says
I hope you’re feeling better soon!! Pinch nerves suck 馃檨 And I’m seriously thrilled that you made this on a grill pan! It’s an excuse to use mine.
megan @ whatmegansmaking says
I love the idea of grilled salad! Hope you’re feeling better, that is no fun!
katie says
Oh my gosh that is horrible Julie. I tweaked my neck a few weeks ago and its still been giving me problems but no pinched nerve like you. This salad looks fabulous and of course you know my thoughts on the Blendtec. enough said… i love this machine and I don’t even own it! lol.
Paula - bell'alimento says
I love this! Fell in love with them at the Dole Summit!
Cassie | Bake Your Day says
I love my Blendtec and I love my Le Creuset grill pan and this is a great recipe for using both…can’t wait to try it! PS – hope your neck gets better…pinched nerves are no fun!
Jackie @ Domestic Fits says
I’m so glad it wasn’t a heart attack! But it still sounds pretty terrible. Hope you feel better, and i’mwith you on this grilled salad, looks amazing!
Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles says
And I hope you’re feeling better, Julie!
Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles says
Grilled salads are sooooooo delicious. An unexpected thing that I had to try to believe. Yours looks fabulous!!
Sommer@ASpicyPerspective says
Ooo, LOVE grilled salads. Your dressing looks amazing!
Miss @ Miss in the Kitchen says
I hope you feel better soon, neck pain is so awful! This salad looks amazing and I hate to admit I’ve never tried grilled salad…that needs to change!
Karly says
Oh, no! Hope you’re feeling better soon. I am totally the type of person who a.) thinks everything is a heart attack or cancer and b.) manages to hurt herself just by breathing. It is super embarrassing!
Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies says
Why is it that illnesses and injuries always seem to happen just in time for holidays? 馃檨 I hope you feel better soon! I haven’t tried a grilled salad before, but I’ve been meaning to–this looks awesome!
claire @ the realistic nutritionist says
I have always wanted to grill a cesear salad! Ever since I saw the lastest Next Food Network STar and Justin grilled his. Such a good idea!
Bev @ Bev Cooks says
Happy New Year, Julie! Also, I want to marry that salad.
Tara @ Unsophisticook says
I love a good Caesar salad!
shelly (cookies and cups) says
I have been wanting to try grilled salad! This looks so great!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
The first time I saw a grilled salad was at a restaurant and I was so surprised at how good it is. Yours looks beautiful!!!!!
Aggie says
Get some rest, I hate when medicine keeps you awake. Hope you feel better quick.
I tried grilled salad this year (or last?) and loved it! I could eat that whole thing too – and not feel bad 1 bit 馃檪 looks amazing!
Happy new year!
Lauren at Keep It Sweet says
Oh geez, I hope you are feeling better asap! I would be camped out on the couch for sure if that happened to me.