1. the Instacube
Watch the video and tell me you don't want one. Okay, if you're not on instagram, you'll think I'm crazy but if you are, you love right?
I backed it on kickstarter after my friend, Josh told me about it. You can too (which means I will get one of the first ones that comes off of the assembly line in March)! It's an amazing site that I learned about from my friend, Jaden, where you can get your idea funded. She told me about this other project. It's amazing the community support that different projects are getting. The instacube was funded by the community in less than 4 days…that means they raised $250,000 in that time!!
2. these pancakes
OMG, you probably already know about my obsession with brown butter. These brown butter pancakes are out of this world!! We didn't have peaches to make the full recipe but next time I make them, I will!
3. making lists
I am always making lists and trying to organize them. I use this wonderful app called Evernote. It's free up so much uploads per month (I haven't topped it out yet) and you can go premium for $5 a month or $45 a year.
There's an iPhone app, Android app, web interface and a Mac app. I use it to organize my ideas for the blog, for blog posts, to do lists, so much. I know I haven't even scratched the surface of this app because you can take web snippets and even store images with notes. I have used it to store furniture ideas I see at IKEA, for example.
4. Songza
Another obsession that Jaden turned me on to…Songza a free online music listening service! Depending on what time of day, what you're doing, if you need to wake up or get pumped up to work out or work, there's a playlist for you. It's safe to say I'm obsessed with this. I'm currently trying to find a nice set of speakers so I can listen to Songa via my iPhone in the kitchen while I cook.
5. this video
Do you know this song? So the Cookie Monster version of Call Me Maybe is so much better! Ha…I'm not going to admit to how many times I have watched the above video. I'm sure I'm not the only one obsessed with it.
Okay, now it's your turn…what are you obsessed with right now or what are you liking a lot these days?
Read my other {five things} posts.
Maivy says
I love this list! It’s my first time trying songza and I like it. That video is hilarious! I already took it and showed everyone in the house.
I’m currently obsessed with
1. Instagram
2. Pixlr editing app on my phone and online- I didn’t realize it was so easy to use and powerful…love that I can use it to add filters on my pics and make collages online. If they made a download version I would be all over it.
3. This music video, a cover of “Good Time” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tsz3RIJb0U
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
That video is hilarious! I need to show it to my daughter when she wakes up. She’s a huge Cookie Monster fan!
amy @ fearless homemaker says
Oh my goodness, how have i never heard of the instacube? LOVE!
saph@frugalwifeblog says
The instacube is so cool!!! And love the Cookie Monster video! LOL
Baking Serendipity says
I love using Evernote! And brown butter pancakes? I definitely need these in my life.
Alison @ Ingredients, Inc. says
fun post Julie!
Heather | Farmgirl Gourmet says
Instacube? OMG…I totally need one of those in my life right away!! How cool. Love this list Julie. The Cookie Monster video…I am still laughing. Adorable!
Russell at Chasing Delicious says
I am addicted to number 3 and totally drooling over number 2 right now!
Meagan @ Scarletta Bakes says
I LOVED this post, Julie! I’m a list making junkie and I’m always looking for new apps to list my face off with. Thanks for the Evernote suggestion!!
Kelly Senyei says
I have YOU to thank for getting me addicted to Instagram (in the best way possible)! I absolutely love the idea of the Instacube. Hope all is well!
Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies says
I totally need to look into Evernote. I make lists of lists–it’s insane.
Ruthy says
LOVE the instacube!! Can’t wait to check that out! And nice one on the Evermote, I would be totally lost without it.
I’m obsessed with that super obnoxious Korean video “Gagnam Style” Like, embarrassingly obsessed. Watch the video in YouTube, its almost hypnotic in its weirdness.
Brandon says
The Instacube is really cool (LOVE Instagram, it was one of the reasons I got my iPhone pre-Android-Instagram), but Kickstarter is even cooler! How have I never heard of this before? I love it, so many awesome products, and although I don’t understand how the site works completely, I’ve already spent 30 minutes browsing projects. Thanks for introducing it to me!
Erin @ Texanerin Baking says
I wanted to try out Songza but of course, non US IP = a no go. Hmp. I will see what I can do. 🙂
And haha… love the Sesame Street video!
Katie says
Love the instacube & those pancakes sound amazing. I was gonna make pancakes this morning. I think I’ll try Diane & Todd’s pancake recipe instead of my go-to buttermilk Pancake recipe!!!
Bunkycooks says
You know that Instacube will be a crazy hit. Yet one more thing to be a distraction…The cookie monster is very cute. 😉
Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen says
I was impressed with that Instacube as well, great concept. That’s the first time I’ve seen the cookie monster version of that song, very funny!
Gerry @ Foodness Gracious says
I’m all over Evernote, I use color note right now but it’s kinda basic so thanks for that tip. Right now I’m obsessed with burgers and sandwiches, weird but I see no limits 😉
Christina @ Sweet Pea's Kitchen says
How fun! How have I not heard of an Instacube until now?! I need one! 😉
Jim @ True Confections says
Evernote is pretty impressive, but if you’re really interested in ‘getting things done’ (nice plug, there, huh?), try out Omnifocus for the Mac, iPhone & iPad. I wish it had a web interface, but the application is only constantly getting better.
I thoroughly love the ‘dump everything’ out of my brain concept into the inbox and then organize it later process and I also love the ‘location’ awareness built into the iPhone & iPad app. Worth checking out!
Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious says
Instacube is so awesome! I totally need to donate on kickstarter.
As for evernote, that is a godsend! I’ve been using it for a while now and I had the office convert to it!
And the pancakes = yes please! I will most definitely make it next Sunday 🙂
Alice Choi says
OK, never mind! I figured it out! 😛
Averie @ Averie Cooks says
I didnt even know that cube existed! How cool!
And I saw Todd & Diane’s pancakes and they were so gorgeous and good to know they’re extremely tasty, too…mmm, I want!
Diane {Created by Diane} says
love your list, can’t wait to try some of them. The cookie monster video is so funny. My son loves cookie monster and wears those shirts all the time, and he is not in preschool 🙂 he loved the video! Guess it’s because he gets all the cookies in the kitchen when he helps with the dishes 🙂
Hmmm…5 things I’m obsessed with, let me see. Shazam App, CardStar App, ground pork, I know that sounds weird but I am, and then there is air conditioning yep I’m obsessed with it, it’s been 107 here and well I don’t really want to have to go anywhere that there is no air and my last obsession is finding a certain bin for under a cabinet in my kitchen, I saw one and should have bought it and now they don’t sell it anymore and I’m on the hunt to find one somewhere.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend Julie 🙂
diane and todd says
what a great list and thank you for the pancake mention. So glad you like it!
Alice Choi says
Cool! thanks for sharing! OK, stupid question: what’s Followgram exactly? thought you would know . .
cassie says
I love this list. Yes to Evernote! Going to check out instacube right now!