My friend, Jenna, does this wonderful series she calls virtual coffee dates and since this week has been a crazy week, I thought I would do a little kind of coffee chat or chit chat edition of five things this week. Basically, if we talked on the phone, met for coffee or were having a glass of wine together…here are five things I would tell you about.
1. charley's hip surgery
I wanted to update you on Charley's surgery. I'm so touched by all of the messages I have been getting and the well wishes for Charley. Thank you so much.
He was diagnosed with hip dysplasia over a year ago and over a week ago, his specialist said his need for surgery was urgent. It kind of happened fast and I was completely stressed out the day I dropped him off. You see, Charley has my heart…at almost 9 years old, we adopted him a couple of months after Curtis and I got married. He's definitely our baby. He has other health problems that we are always trying to keep on top of, including not being able to make the digestive enzymes required to digest his own food. For which he requires about 21 tablets of medicine a day, mixed in with his food.
He went in for hip surgery (femoral head ostectomy or FHO or floating hip) on Tuesday and I pretty much held my breath the whole time. I kept looking at his empty bed in our office (this spoiled dog has two beds) and it would break my heart. He of course came through the surgery just fine and now we're working on recovery mode. Despite the pain and despite hobbling around on three legs, he's a smiley boy (as pictured above).
I'm sharing his X-rays in case you're interested but you'll have to click over to see them. You can see on this left hip (right side on the picture in the picture on the right) where they removed the femoral head of his leg. This is supposed to reduce the pain caused by the hip dysplasia which causes a rub of bone on bone. (The left picture is the before and the right is the after shot.)
He was smiley but he HATED this cone because of the velcro. He snapped at us every time we took it on and off. And we should have known because he hates certain sounds like cutting wrapping paper and the sound of us using packing tape.
2. you can find comfort in different places
After I dropped Charley off, I didn't want to go straight home and I drifted along in my car and found this red sign. Donuts are comforting and I forgot how much I love freshly fried and glazed Krispy Kreme donuts. There's nothing like it.
3. I love my job
This is what I get to do after I photograph a plate of food. If you haven't made chicken and waffles before, you need to. Pure comfort food, hop on over for the recipe for Chicken & Biscuit Waffles.
4. finally realized how easy homemade pasta is to make
And I'm completely obsessed. I used the KitchenAid pasta attachment with my 7 Quart stand mixer and I can't wait to share what I made with you next week! Seriously so easy, not sure why I was ever scared.
5. I dropped my camera this week
Ughhhh, yep I did. I was in a rush and left it on the edge of my desk and my foot got caught in the tether cable. It still works…whew!! Can you see the dent in the lens?
So how has your week gone? I was glad for the weekend to come, were you?
Read my other five things posts.
Disclosure: All photos shot with my iPhone. I received the KitchenAid products I mentioned in this post for the purpose of review. There are affiliate links in this post.
SweetSugarbelle says
Loved our “date”! Hope to have more.
1. Glad Charley is better…I think it’s so funny that he has “noise quirks”
2. Our local donut shop is exceptionally good. I’d never ever eat a donut unless I was on a diet. I’ve been on a diet for a few months…sooo, I have eaten more in the recent past than I have in years. They have some sort of strawberry/cherry glaze. Wish I knew what it was
3. YOu do have the best job ever…the chicken and waffles made me hungry AND inspired me. The kids will see this on the menu this week.
4. I AM CRINGING about you dropping the camera. I would have needed a Xanax or something after that. THANK GOODNESS it’s okay!
Tasha @ ThatsSoYummy says
Ok so that sounds like one hell of a week. So happy that Charlie’s recovering, he looks so sweet in that pic. I love the pasta attachment and could eat donuts all day everyday!
Kelly Senyei | Just a Taste says
Love this post, Julie! That smiling, furry face at the top made my heart melt!
Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies says
I love my KA pasta maker attachment too. I had always been intimidated to make my own pasta, but it’s easy, fun, and tastes AMAZING! I’ve been thinking about Charley–I hope his PT appointment went well. He is adorable, even in his cone. 馃檪 I’m sure you can’t wait until he’s running around and back to his normal self!
dixya @ food, pleasure, and health says
I loved Jennas coffee chat and so glad to see yours now 馃檪 I am glad that Charlie is feeling better. I have been wanting to try homemade pasta too for a while now- just intimidated!!! donuts sounds good right now
Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles says
So fun to catch up with you! Still praying Charley continues to recover. “Ouch” about the camera lens. And all that food…serious yum. That pasta photo is GORGEOUS. I’d love to play with that KitchenAid attachment. I know I’d make more pasta. Right now I have a manual crank pasta maker. Which is still pretty darn fun!
Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious says
So glad Charley’s surgery went well! Yikes about the camera though. So glad it still works!
Penelope says
Oh my gosh, I can see that dent! I never made homemade pasta, but I’m definitely still scared too, lol. I also never tried Krispy Kreme, and because of how addictive they seem, I’m scared to do that too! Those photos of your poor doggie are breaking my heart, poor sweet Charley 馃檨
Ali | Gimme Some Oven says
I’m so glad that Charlie is on the mend! Your homemade pasta looks absolutely beautiful. And HUGE YAY for your camera surviving!
addie | culicurious says
I’m glad Charley’s doing well! And I’m glad your camera is OK 馃檪
Jackie @ Domestic Fits says
Hugs to Charlie! I had a dog with hip dysplasia, apparently its a really common trait among shepherds.
And, isn’t that Kitchen Aid pasta attachment the best?
claire @ the realistic nutritionist says
My pasta attachments are a DREAM!
Carla @ Carlas Confections says
So glad Charley is feeling a little better. The poor guy! He looks so sad with the cone. Im glad you could find some comfort in Krispy Kreme! It usually works for me too 馃檪 And I can only imagine how dropping your camera made you feel. Makes my heart drop just thinking about it. =/ Glad its ok!
Amanda says
So glad your pup is getting better! And love the pasta and waffle sandwich. And ON NO on the camera. So thankful it still works!!!
shelly (cookies and cups) says
omg, scary about your camera! glad it still works.
And that sandwich…i neeeeed to make it!
Patrice says
I have just returned from a trip to the US to take my Mom’s ashes home, she has lived with me in Scotland for 5 years – I have been over here for 27 years. I can so relate to the comfort of the Hot Donuts Now sign, and had to force myself not to succumb to the temptation! Happy to hear Charlie is recovering and your camera was not too damaged. I have dropped mine a few times, but never dented it before!
katie says
I’m so glad Charlie is on his road to recovery. I try to stay away from that red sign because i find myself eating like a dozen donuts in one sitting and well… that isn’t healthy. You are persuading me to break out my pasta attachment and stop being scared of it. I think I need to give it a try! My biggest fear is dropping my camera… sorry friend.
Marilee says
What a week! Hope Charley will be feeling much better soon. The chicken and waffles looks great. Wishing you a wonderful week. Take care.
TerriAnn @ Cookies & Clogs says
Wow, it’s been busy over there! Aww, poor Charlie! I hope he has a very quick and successful recovery! It’s so sad to see them in pain and I’m sure he’s going to get that sparkle in his eyes back very soon. Ouch – too bad about your camera. It still works okay?
Gerry @ Foodness Gracious says
Oh man, since I got a new camera at Christmas, my number 1 fear is dropping it. My last one was on the tripod and monkey #2 knocked it over….Glad to hear Charley’s doing better. He’ll love it when the cone gets the heave!
Jen M O says
I have never made homemade pasta even though I do have a pasta maker. I will have to try it. I think fresh pasta is so wonderful.
Mumseword says
it’s a big week you got!! I hope you have a great one this week!!
Elizabeth Atwood says
Oh wow you really did have a week! I’m glad you’re puppy is doing well. You’re poor camera on the other hand…:-(.
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
Poor Charley, I hope the recovery is a smooth one. Our bulldog has always had wonky hips and we call him a lemon. I just know that he’s going to need surgery on them soon because he’s starting to limp a lot more and gets stiff when he’s in the same position too long. He’s an old man at 5.
Dee says
Awww, poor Charley! What a cutie he is, and surgery is no fun for pups. (I have a Charlie, too! He just had a TTA repair on one rear leg on Nov. 1, and the other one Dec of 2011. The recovery stage is so hard!) Lots of good wishes for a speedy and smooth recovery. (Tell him my Charlie says hello!)
Diane says
I’m glad Charley is recovering and I’m sure that cone would brother anyone 馃檪 he is so sweet 馃檪
I just loved your chicken and waffles they looked delicious! Can’t wait to make them.
I couldn’t wait for the weekend 馃檪 for no particular reason really…well it is a 4-day weekend for my kids so its great having them around more 馃檪
Hope you are having a nice weekend Julie!
Pam Greenwell says
So glad to hear that Charley came through okay. I remember when Lily (so small at 5 months) broke her leg and had to have a pin put in surgically. She had to wear the cone and I had to put a cold pack on her and work her (injured) leg at least 3-4 times a day. She wouldn’t cry, but would look at me iwth those eyes as if to say, “Why are you hurting me?” It’s a killer!
I’m so envious of your 7-quart KA mixer. I hadn’t realized that they had begun to do one that size.
Jennifer H says
awww poor doggy! That sandwich looks good though.
Karen Lynch says
One of our pups thinks the cone undignified. When she had to wear it she literally would not move. Stayed in the same spot with her head down, so you had a arc of puppy and then a funnel opening to ground. She stayed that way for forty minutes before I gave up and took it off her. We just watched her and put it on when I had to leave or do something where I couldn’t keep an eye on her. DH came home and was ready to take her to vet because she wouldn’t come out of her kennel with it. He thought she had an infection. Luckily he called me and I said take cone off and see how she is. Cone off, happy dog. We now call it the cone of shame.
Hope Charley is back to happy health soon.
jacquie says
i’m so glad to hear that charlie made it through the surgery and has now started the recovery process. i’m not sure i have ever met a dog who didn’t mind “the collar” 馃檪 good luck w/ the recovery journey as it is a long slow one for that kind of surgery. I’m glad you all found each other – charlie certainly ended up in the right “forever” home.
Miss @ Miss in the Kitchen says
Oh what a week you had! So glad Charley is on the mend and that your camera survived. Can’t wait to see your pasta!
Rachel @ Baked by Rachel says
1. I’m so thrilled for you that Charley made it out okay. I hope he’s 110% back to his old self asap! 2. I’m totally in awe of your pasta talent. It’s on my food bucket list! 3. o m g I seriously cringed when I read you dropped your camera.
Alyssa (Everyday Maven) says
I hate that empty feeling when you have to leave your dog at the Vet. It’s so eerie quiet and creepy without them in the house. So glad he made it through!!!
Rachel {Simply Fresh Cooking} says
Oh your poor baby! I’m sorry he’s going through all that. 馃檨
Cassie | Bake Your Day says
Oh gosh, at least the lens is only dented, and not shattered. That is my worst fear sometimes! I’m so glad everything went well for Charley, hope he recovers very fast!
Manon @ Des Moines Good Eats says
awwww….poor pup! Hopefully he’ll be back to normal soon! I have such a soft spot for animals and hate to see them in any discomfort–thank goodness for pet owners like you who are willing to put the time and $$ into giving pups like Charley a loving home and the treatment he needs to have the longest, happiest, little fur baby life that he can have. So many people wouldn’t be willing to do it!
Kristen says
I am so glad Charley is recovering well. Meg would have been the same way with the noisy cone!
I can’t believe your camera survived the fall. Whew!
And pasta is one of my favorite things to make. I love that attachment!
Julie Deily says
I can’t believe it either! I was so freaked out!
How’s Meg doing? Share more pics of her please! 馃檪
Terri/LoveandConfections says
Glad that Charley is doing okay. Hope recovery goes well.
Julie Deily says
Terri, thank you so much!
Erin @ Texanerin Baking says
1. Aww. That smiley Charley picture and then the next one… so sad. 馃檨
2. I hope Krispy Kreme exists in Austin because I NEED one on my next visit! We have Dunkin’ Donuts in Germany but they’re not the same.
4. That pasta picture is lovely! I love making homemade pasta. 馃檪 The Kitchaid pasta attachment costs about as much as a Kitchenaid stand mixer in the US. Haha. So we have a pasta machine. love it!
5. Sorry about your lens. 馃檨 At least it’s okay! I do that thing with the tether cable pretty often. It’s scary!
Julie Deily says
Hey Erin!
I wish we could trust him without the cone, I know it would help me feel better for sure. A week and a half more with it! I hope they have Krispy Kremes in Austin too, can’t wait to meet you finally. I wish the tether cable was magnetic like my laptop AC adapter!
Sue/the view from great island says
So many things to respond to—poor Charley—and why can’t they redesign those cones? Actually I think they have a kind of inner tube thing-a-ma-jiggy now that you might look into if he has to wear it for much longer. I think it’s more human and doesn’t interfere with their daily activities as much.
I need to get that pasta attachment—your pasta looks amazing!
And Krispy Kremes? …sigh…
Julie Deily says
I agree! We tried the inflatable thingy a few years ago when he had a different surgery and he could still reach the spot. 馃檨 We actually take it off when we’re both hanging out with him and can watch him like a hawk. He seems in a better state of mind when we do!