First off, I want to say a few words of thanks! To each and every one of you who visit The Little Kitchen every day and who have supported me for the last few months and for a lot of you, the last few years. There's no amount of gratitude that I can express that could convey my gratefulness to each and every one of you and for the time, love, energy and support you have given me. I big puffy heart you guys…my friends!
Now, I'm asking a huge favor from you! I put together a little survey and would love to hear YOUR THOUGHTS. This survey should take 10 to 15 minutes to take and I really appreciate your honesty on what you love and what you don't love (in a constructive way though, please be nice!). Thank you so much for your time. The reader survey will be open until Saturday, October 31, 2015.
PS I threw some fun questions in there too…because I want to know more about YOU. Thanks again!
And one more thing, if you're not already following me on the various social media channels that you regularly use, be sure to do so today! When you do, give a shoutout or say hi! 🙂 I'm on instagram, pinterest, twitter and facebook!